Capital, explotación e injusticia social en el siglo XXI.

Una teoría filosófica de la explotación

Capital, explotación e injusticia social en el siglo XXI. - Mario Rojas Hernández - Itaca
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Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

In this book Mario Rojas Hernández tries to contribute to the construction of an ethical-rational critique of the capitalist economic system. For the author, this criticism constitutes the core of Marx's work to the extent that his critical analysis of the exploitation of labor allows us to demonstrate that this is the origin of the accumulation of wealth in few hands; of the situation of dependence, domination, disadvantage, lack, poverty (labor and social) in which a large part or the majority of the working population of the political communities finds itself, and of the tremendous, shameful and offensive socioeconomic inequalities. All of which represents, in the strictest sense, social injustice.

In this work, the current financialized globalizing neoliberal capitalism is criticized, as well as the capitalist economic system in reference to the concept of the human being more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: Capital, explotación e injusticia social en el siglo XXI.

ISBN: 9786078651337