Saber popular, praxis territorial y contra-hegemonía

Saber popular, praxis territorial y contra-hegemonía - Marcos Aurelio Saquet - Itaca
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Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

This book is written in the concluding stage of the balance in the correlation of forces that sustained neoliberalism; It offers a synthetic exercise of the actions of popular forces in their territorial praxis, their constitutive features, as well as the meanings that this territorial practice constructed between scientific praxis and popular praxis.

The author, Marcos Aurelio Saquet, a prominent Brazilian geographer and academic activist, has dedicated his work to accompanying the popular territorial struggles in Latin America and strengthening them by establishing bridges between popular knowledge and critical academic knowledge that contributes to the processes of territorial emancipation. This work offers us an overview of the set of structural features of the past that survive in Latin America as a dependent and exploitative inheritance, as well as a historical more

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Book: Saber popular, praxis territorial y contra-hegemonía

ISBN: 9786078651382