Saberes, memoria e imagen

Una construcción con enfoque de género

Saberes, memoria e imagen - Luz Alejandra Cárdenas Santana - Itaca
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Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

One of the consequences of the unequal relationships that exist in our society is the pragmatism of women. Women have been educated for specific tasks, we have been domesticated, to use the concept proposed by Dr. Graciela Hierro to refer to the education of women confined to the domestic sphere. But that can be taken to the extreme of denying the importance of theoretical development. It is common to hear among women “less theory and more action”, which is a very worrying phrase.

It is true that feminist theory emerged from the social movement to demand our rights; it has been and is a fight for democracy, for full citizenship, for autonomy. But all that experience would be nothing without reflection. From that point of view, Celia Amorós is right when she suggests that feminist thought tries to give theoretical articulation to a social movement that is causing changes of an more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Género

Book: Saberes, memoria e imagen

ISBN: 9786079440527