Seis enfermedades del espíritu contemporáneo

Seis enfermedades del espíritu contemporáneo - Constantin Noica - Herder
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Weight: 290 g

Besides the somatic and psychic diseases, Constantin Noica other higher order identifies the caller disease of the spirit. Six conditions that make a man being sick of the universe. However, these imbalances that reflect the ways in which the mind reacts to the different states of being, far from invalidating the subject, give amazing capabilities. The pages of this book are intended to know to become a source of life.

Noica is one of the leading figures of the century Romanian philosophy XX, part of the group of intellectuals rediscovered after the 1989 revolution with Mircea Eliade, Emil Cioran or Nae Ionescu.


Book: Seis enfermedades del espíritu contemporáneo

ISBN: 8425425783
Precio de lista: $485.00
Descuento: 30%