Everything has been discovered except how to live. The phrase is by Jean-Paul Sartre, but, with a similar tenor, it can be traced back to very distant days. It is said that already in Lao-tzu times people came to ask him: "What is the meaning of life?" Philosophy has always walked back and forth with life and its vicissitudes. Already the first philosophers ventured possible paths to a "good life." "Living well" is perhaps like living with elegance, the title of the last gloss written by Eugenio d'Ors. Elegance while you are here and elegance also to go; elegant, then, in life and in death.
This book, a selection of lectures, looks at a wide gallery of thinkers who marked the course of life in the East and the West. Their searches may no longer be ours, but their thinking and feeling continue to exert a great spell on our present. We come from them, although apparently we have f...read more