Sin legalidad no hay libertad

Sin legalidad no hay libertad - Piero Calamandrei - Trotta
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"The law is a condition of freedom. Without certainty of law can not be political freedom. " Against the "dreadful chaos of a world in ruins" in the terrible winter of 1943-1944, Piero Calamandrei understood how all hope of "lasting revival" had to be based on the restoration of the rule of law as "method of government."
If fascism was the regime deployed illegality, a Republican legality should not only be considered essential foundation of freedom, but would also be "a legality able to modify all laws less put a priori as necessary conditions for respect for freedom. "
The principle and value of legality in its various implications is the axis around which the theoretical vicissitudes of the great litigators and constitutionalist who was Piero Calamandrei: "The issue / problem all his life as a lawyer", as stated . But it is not a stationary axis, then along this more

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Book: Sin legalidad no hay libertad

ISBN: 9788498796230
Precio de lista: $540.00
Descuento: 25%