Sobre el amor

Sobre el amor - Willigis Jäger - Kairós
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 198.4 g
Soft cover

This is not another book about personal love, nor about how to love or be loved. A lot has already been written on the subject. This is an extraordinarily lucid and simple text about the experience of unity with everything and everyone. Master Willigis Jäger speaks in this work of love that arises in the genuine spiritual search; the love that leads us to discover our unity with life and to stop fighting constantly. The true path to peace is based on this appreciation of love. Because when we truly love we recognize ourselves in others; and, therefore, what we do to others, we also do to ourselves. With his eloquent words: "What we will have at hand at the end of our lives will not be our skills or our deeds. First and foremost, we will have to ask ourselves the question of how much we have loved. "


Category: All >> Spirituality

Book: Sobre el amor

ISBN: 9788472458987
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 15%