
Stalingrado - Vasili Grossman - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 
Hard cover

Vasily Grossman wanted to record everything he had experienced during the Second World War, the death of his mother and stepson and his experience as a war correspondent, in an ambitious two-part novelistic cycle. The first, begun in 1943 and published in 1952 under the title For a Just Cause, was to be titled Stalingrad. The second, written from 1949, with the same protagonists, would be Life and destiny. Of the two, Life and Destiny is a classic read by thousands of readers around the world. The first, on the other hand, has been considered a novel of lesser rank. Moreover, Efim Etkind and Simon Markish, two of the people who did the most to save the manuscript of Life and Fate, publishing it for the first time in the West in 1980, in the prologue to that edition, affirmed that For a Just Cause 'could have won a well-deserved Stalin Prize, because it was full of love for the more

Category: All >> History >> Century XX

Book: Stalingrado

ISBN: 9788418218484
Precio de lista: $875.00
Descuento: 25%