Televisión, valores y adolescencia

Televisión, valores y adolescencia - Yolanda Montero Rivero - Gedisa
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 240 g
Soft cover

The media have always sparked debates in academia and in public opinion. In this sense, television is the medium that arouses the greatest concerns about the role played in the dissemination of culture and its values. Those who live or work with adolescents often wonder how they can compete with such a seductive environment, which tries to discredit the values received through the family, school, churches and socio-cultural associations.
This book aims to verify and refute the scope of previous studies on television and its impact on adolescents. Combining approaches and methods from social psychology and television reception theories, Yolanda Montero has carried out work with adolescents based on viewing the well-known series Al salir de clase, convinced that «the viewer is the one who endows wealth with and depth to material that, at first glance, may seem shallow and more


Book: Televisión, valores y adolescencia

ISBN: 9788497841337
Precio de lista: $415.00
Descuento: 20%