Teoría general del conocimiento 

Curso Fundamental de Filosofía

Teoría general del conocimiento  - Albert  Keller - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 215 g

What is theory of knowledge? Why and for what one is dedicated to her? What method, means and order must be followed or used for its development? The theory of knowledge investigates the significance of knowing the man in his manhood and the role that knowledge has for human life. Especially questions about the ability to go find it themselves and thus enable a critical procedure and act responsibly. of the theory of knowledge is an image of man determined by the concepts of "truth", "freedom" and "know" and not only directed towards the reality of life, but also provides guidance for her.


Book: Teoría general del conocimiento 

ISBN: 8425415780
Precio de lista: $665.00
Descuento: 30%