Territorios brings together in a single volume seven years of work of Santiago Arau. This first editorial hint of Arau's extensive work presents almost 300 photographs of the 1,964,375 kilometers of the vast and complex Mexican territory, taken from above. To this day, Territorios is the most complete naturalistic photographic compendium on Mexico. The uniqueness of Territories lies in the unreleased gaze that allows the drone chamber and the artistic sensitivity of Arau's experienced eye. This air tour is accompanied by brief essays written by Vivian Abenshushan, Luigi Amara, Julia Carabias, Juan José Kochen, Sergio Rodríguez Blanco and Pablo Soler Frost. Although Territorios is a book that embodies santiago Arau's photographic project on paper, it is also a overwhelming contemporary testament to the natural greatness, cultural diversity and social contingencies of a country in const...read more