
Tráficos -  AA.VV. - 17 IEC
Publisher name: 
17 IEC
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 725.8 g
Soft paste

Trafficking of organs, drugs, bodies, weapons; traffic as a patchwork of dislocated social ties; traffic as transfer of goods without the possibility of a principle of economic equivalence ... This volume addresses the issue of those diverse flows that move outside the law but also at the request of it, and that do not allow a single look at the search for your understanding The chosen perspective is necessarily multifocal: testimony, art, critical studies and scriptural experimentation, in the pens of the famous French philosopher Dany-Robert Dufour; the voice Ricardo Valderrama, narcomenudist painfully murdered in 2009 at the doors of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Unam; the ubiquitous Mexican philosopher Raymundo Mier; the controversial North American anthropologist Nancy Scheper-Hughes, who proposed the first international cartography of organ trafficking; the renowned more

Category: All >> Social sciences >> Sociology

Book: Tráficos

ISBN: 9786079613105
Precio de lista: $450.00
Descuento: 15%