Very seldom did anyone dare to so fervently recommend a novel. "It deserves to sell more copies than the Bible," said Rebel Inc., an insolent Scottish literary magazine. Immediately held by the strictest critics but read also by those who rarely approach books, "Trainspotting" became one of the literary and also extraliterary events of the last decade. It was quickly adapted to the theater and then brought to the screen by Danny Boyle, one of the young prodigies of English cinema. Its protagonists are a group of desperately realistic young people, nor do they think about the future: they know that nothing or almost nothing will change, inhabitants of the other Edinburgh, which does not appear in the famous festivals, European capital of AIDS and paradise of unemployment, misery and prostitution, embarked on a vital event whose fuel is the drug, "the elixir that gives them life, and ta...read more