Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento

Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento - Baruj Spinoza - Cactus
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The Treaty on reform of understanding and the way that best leads to true knowledge of things is the generous exposure, thoughtful, unfinished, reflecting a first person at his own experimentation. There is a before and an after but gentle attachment to a testimoniante duration.

The Reform Treaty is not presented as an unfinished set of rules for living well, not the preliminary draft of any printed and finite greatest work, then consecrated in a definite yes Ethics of life. It understands the way he knew best view and faithful introducer: "An idea brings together these two works separated by time (...) the idea has taught his philosophy, his life has embodied the idea of ​​true man's happiness, happiness of a free man. "angles, cuts and lines of a rational philosophy -art / Vital- science, in its double and single effort to discern the (re) most suitable means to correct a more



Book: Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento

ISBN: 9789872100032
Precio de lista: $280.00
Descuento: 20%