Son of Portuguese Jews, probably native of Spain, was born in Amsterdam (1632) and died in The Hague (1677). A fact decided his life and work: his expulsion of the Jewish community (1656). Your life, because it forced him to leave the family business by the office of lens grinder and study. His work, for his Theological-Political Treatise (1670) is a bold theoretical defense of freedom of expression, both religious and political; and Ethics is one of the most colossal efforts to achieve a synthesis between classical philosophy and modern science. These two works have always kept alive her figure, although with very different nuances. During the eighteenth century, Spinoza was an atheist accused by some and read with passion unconfessed other, as would reveal, finally, the famous debate on pantheism (1785-1786). It was in this romantic setting where, influenced by Hegel - 'or Spinoza or any philosophy "- began the nineteenth century (1802-1803) the number of editions and translations, historical and theoretical studies are still valid even today. Based on this wealth of material, the twentieth century analyzed the work and spinozianas doctrine, ceaseless work and detail that continues today. Baruch Spinoza, Editorial Trotta has published its Ethics Demonstrated in Geometrical Order (2005), edited and translated by Dominguez and Atilano, Compendium of Hebrew Grammar (2005).