Un día en la vida de un editor

Un día en la vida de un editor - Jorge Herralde - Anagrama
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Book size:
Soft cover

"I have had the immense luck of having been able to practice this crazy job for almost fifty years, as Inge Feltrinelli called it, and which is also the best job in the world, as many of us think," says Jorge Herralde, and the job to which refers is, of course, that of editor.

This book begins precisely with the detailed description of an ordinary day in the life of an editor. And from there, a succession of texts of diverse origin – articles, speeches, interviews, diary entries… – make up a very complete tour of the secrets of the publishing sector and the evolution and the innards of Anagrama from its founding in 1969 to the present.

The reader will have access to an insider's vision – insightful and with touches of the trademark fine irony – of the publishing world; of the first years of Anagrama's career in the late Franco era and the Transition – including the fight...read more


Book: Un día en la vida de un editor

ISBN: 9786075279343
Precio de lista: $495.00
Descuento: 10%