Viajes con Heródoto

Viajes con Heródoto - Ryszard Kapuscinski - Anagrama
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In the 1950s, while traveling through deep Poland "with more pain than glory, from village to village, from village to village, in a dilapidated car or in a rickety bus", a Kapuściński, an apprentice reporter, was obsessed with crossing border. He fails in his aspiration to travel to neighboring Czechoslovakia, but, in exchange, the editorial staff of the newspaper where he works sends him to India.

The brand new correspondent leaves with a book, the History of Herodotus, which, an inseparable companion since then, will prove decisive for the professional and personal training of the future author of The Emperor, The Shah, The Empire, Ébano or One more day alive. Written from the perspective of half a century, Travels with Herodotus reveals itself as a book that is difficult (if not impossible) to classify. Is it a report? Sometimes. An ethnographic-anthropological study? In more


Book: Viajes con Heródoto

ISBN: 9788433973306
Precio de lista: $255.00
Descuento: 10%