A lucid essay that invites us to put aside the demands of the clock to give way to the autonomy of own and contemplative time. Only then can we be able to recover our genuine nature as symbolic and thinking beings.
We live marked by the clock. Our daily life takes place in a constant bustle of tasks to be done and delivery deadlines, displacements marked by draconian schedules, unfulfilled hours of sleep ... However, although it may seem contradictory, "being fast" is associated with modernity and progress and, on the other hand, the slowness is seen as a characteristic that denotes backwardness and a profound inadequacy to the present moment. This supposes an exigency and an enormous wear and tear for the people who, besides generating tension in their state of mind, lead the distraction, the anonymity and the renunciation of the reflection.
Faced with this modern pheno...read more