y todo lo que es misterio

y todo lo que es misterio - Andrés Sorel - Akal
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 345.9 g

Paul Celan-Ingeborg Bachmann: a passionate love that goes through the twentieth century and flows, like the time, into madness and in various modes of death. The historical memory of the greatest tragedy known to mankind is mixed with the evocation of the great love-pain of two exceptional beings.

On his way, other characters who are also decisive in literature and the thought of his time cross: Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Thomas Bernhard.

The scenarios where the story unfolds: Romania, Austria, Germany, France, England, Italy, Spain.

The narrators: two survivors of the bombing of Alcañiz (Teruel) by the Italian airplanes, year 1938, one of them saved after Auschwitz.

The evocation of this story covers, in love and misfortune, decisive years of our historical present from the most profound human shiver of the narrators and the most sublime poetic creat...read more



Book: y todo lo que es misterio

ISBN: 9788446041580
Precio de lista: $480.00
Descuento: 20%