Yo soy así

Yo soy así - Ariel Wainer - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The author takes as his starting point the theoretical developments on character and its disturbances. In the central chapters, he presents an articulation between the fundamental concepts and a set of clinical manifestations. In the final section, it presents a series of proposals for the approach to characteropathies.

Pathological character traits may occupy different places at the beginning of treatment. In some cases they are the reason for consultation. The situation is generally as follows: the environment (family, social, work) of the person who consults set some kind of limit, warned him that he will no longer tolerate his "way of being". If he does not change, he puts at risk something that he is not willing to lose, be it a bond, a position, a job. So, the consultation is not because of the characteropathy itself – which is synthesized in the usual phrase "I am like t...read more


Book: Yo soy así

ISBN: 9789874025500