Born in 1946 in Amusco (Palencia ) , has a doctorate in theology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and Ph.D. from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Directs the Department of Theology and Religious Sciences " Ignacio Ellacurfa " in the Carlos III University of Madrid , is a professor at the Three Religions Chair at the University of Valencia and visiting professor at numerous national and international universities. It is also general secretary of the Association of Theologians John XXIII , a member of the International Committee of the World Forum on Theology and Liberation, the Board of the Association for Interreligious Dialogue in Madrid ( ADIM ) and the Board of Trustees Future Century . He runs specialized courses in theology and science of religions, and collaborates in Latin American and European journals and collective works with studies and research on science of religions, theology of religions and liberation theology , the latter two disciplines which is one of his most renowned world experts .
The books have their greatest international interdisciplinary thinking are to understand the theology of liberation (2008 ) and Islam. Culture, religion and politics ( Trotta , 2009 ), which is significantly contributing to the reform of Islam in the Arab- Muslim world and Muslim communities in Spanish . Special originality is its proposal for intercultural and interfaith theology of liberation theology developed in Another possible. Religious pluralism , multiculturalism and feminism ( 2012). Author of a work approaching sixty titles , many of them translated into several languages in the same Editorial has published, among others, new theological paradigm (2009), Fundamentalisms and Interreligious Dialogue (2009), Church and society in Spain ( with José M. Castillo, 2005) , and Director , New Dictionary of Theology ( 2005). Religion, reason and hope with this book his trilogy about utopia, whose previous two installments are completed . The thought of Ernst Bloch (1992) and Understanding Christian eschatology (2008 ) .