Consuelo Martín holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid, where at the end of his studies he conducted seminars for several years in the Department of Metaphysics. He also worked on epistemology, psychology and, along with JD García Bacca, philosophy of science, trying to bring the Eastern and Western philosophical thought. Today it is a recognized specialist in 'perennial philosophy' and in particular 'advaita metaphysics "by the lectures and courses offered in various parts of the country. Viveka Director magazine, has more than a dozen published books, among them The direct realization (1989), creator Silence (1991), Be a light. Research being and knowing (1992) Meditating with Astavakra Samhitâ (1996) and Freedom and Love (1999). And in this Editorial, Consciousness and Reality (1998), Brahma-Sutras (2000) Upanisad (2001), Great Forest Upanishad (2002) and Bhagavad Gita (2005), with respective comments Sankara advaita.