Ross D. Parke

Ross D. Parke

Ross D. Parke is Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Previously he was Director of the Social Development Section and codirector of the Fels Longitudinal Study of Families at the Fels Research lnstitute (Yelow Springs, Ohio). He is a member of the American Psychological Association and directs the writing of journals devoted to the study of child development. In the first half of 1981 has been BELDING RD PARKE SCHOLAR the Foundation for Child Development in New York. During this period he directed Volume 7 of the Review of Child Development Research, a series published by the Society for Research in Child Development. It has also developed the study of the impact of premature infants in patterns of family interaction and you are performing a general model of family adaptation to stress and change.