Empleo, Trabjo y Desigualdades en Salud: Una visón global

Empleo, Trabjo y Desigualdades en Salud: Una visón global - Joan Benach - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 1140 g

In the past two decades, research in public health and occupational health has been gradually expanding their field of study allowing for the conditions of employment in relation to health and, m, as recently with inequality. However, studies hardly discuss the situation of middle income countries and low, the causes of inequalities, or policies to help improve health and reduce inequality, among other topics.


Book: Empleo, Trabjo y Desigualdades en Salud: Una visón global

ISBN: 9788498882384
Precio de lista: $857.00
Descuento: 30%