La Memoria y el perdón

La Memoria y el perdón - Amelia Valcarcel - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 195 g

Is it possible to forgive? Is it the same forgive to forget? Who can do? Is it good for anything? What do they have to do justice and memory? Is it good the grudge?_x000D_
This book explores in depth all these issues, their history and their frames of meaning. If forgiveness is a new type of regulation that has to do with memory, it never works without judgmental overtones. Thus, memory and forgiveness are two sides of a coin but each relies on different values._x000D_
In Spain, the theme of memory is open, throbbing. And forgiveness has its opposite: the memory of evil done yet produced fear and resentment. Study and apply the coldness of the analysis is required because we're not just here unforgiveness, their need is global now.


Book: La Memoria y el perdón

ISBN: 9788425427534
Precio de lista: $520.00
Descuento: 30%