El Mercader y el papagayo

Historias orientales como herramientas en psicoterapia

El Mercader y el papagayo - Nossrat  Peseschkian - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 195 g

The stories contain in itself something of an adventurer and unpredictable. Thought processes, desires and representations that were familiar and routine, suddenly appear in a different light through the stories. Other ways of thinking become familiar to me. I consider this change as one of the essential functions of the stories: they are like paintings verbal, to facilitate understanding and awaken intuition. I hope readers will also participate in this exchange and enjoy adventure stories with Peseschkian alegría.Nossrat Iran is a leading psychotherapist based in Germany since 1954.


Book: El Mercader y el papagayo

ISBN: 8425420652
Precio de lista: $555.00
Descuento: 50%