El realismo de la esperanza

Testimonios de experiencias profesionales en torno a la resiliencia

El realismo de la esperanza -  AA.VV. - Gedisa
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For decades, it was considered that a personal drama had to inevitably lead to psychopathy. The facts, however, contradict this pessimistic outlook. At present, researchers are increasingly interested in by certain processes that enable humans abused achieve a relatively normal life despite severe trauma. Indeed, one can discover in these people a latent and unexpected resources that enable them to transform the obstacle trampoline and fragility in personal wealth.  This book provides testimonials from many professionals who have worked with children and young people affected by war trauma, neglect and marginalization in Africa, Latin America and Europe. They highlight the inestimable value for these children and young people have recovered their ability to overcome his injuries and experiences of physical and psychological horror. Restore their self-esteem, confidence in the future a...read more


Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychotherapy

Book: El realismo de la esperanza

ISBN: 8497840003
Precio de lista: $715.00
Descuento: 20%