Juan Manuel Ramirez is a member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico at the highest level (III). Since 1982, he has conducted research on urban social movements in Mexico and on both local and national and global citizenship. In both fields, is recognized and cited by domestic and foreign authors. He has received several awards for his research. He has advised (federal, state and local) and private public institutions Mexico. JM Ramirez has coordinated 25 research projects. Has to his credit with the publication of 22 books as author and / or coordinator. He is the author of 81 chapters in collective books. He has published 77 articles in refereed journals both national and international, specialized in issues of political sociology. He has delivered 80 lectures in national and international conferences. The publications and presentations addressing the organized expressions of Mexican and international society and interventions in different public spaces. Several research projects have been funded by the Institute of Latin American Studies (University of Texas at Austin), Ford, the Institute of Development Studies (University of Sussex), The Center of US-Mexican Studies (University of California Foundation , San Diego), Center of Migration and Development at Princeton University, the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico and CONACULTA. He is a member of several national research networks and the editorial board of several national and international magazines. He has developed research projects in collaboration with researchers from universities and national and state research (CIICH-UNAM, IIS-UNAM, UAM, CIESAS, Univ.Veracruzana, University of Guadalajara), American (University of California-San Diego, University of Texas at Austin, Princeton University) and Sussex in England