Imagen del mito

Imagen del mito - Joseph Campbell - Atalanta
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First translated into our language, myth image is one of the key works of the great American mythologist Joseph Campbell. This book makes an extensive tour of the mythology of cultures around the world over more than five thousand years of history and 423 illustrations of art from Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Europe, Oceania or the Mexican Olmec culture.
Campbell distinguishes two ways to draw myths: the folk traditions of the illiterate, relatively simple cultures, and of the most complex cultures that have developed writing, as in the case of the three major world religions: Buddhism, Christianity and Islam . Trace outlines of all these mythologies and the enormous influence they have had on the world, showing, through a careful analysis of texts and images, the important differences between Asian and Western culture with respect to the idea like dream world, the cosmic more


Book: Imagen del mito

ISBN: 9788493963552
Precio de lista: $2,150.00
Descuento: 25%