Igor Stravinsky (Oranienbaum, Lomonosov current, 1882-New York, 1971) is arguably one of the greatest composers of the twentieth century. After graduating in law from the University of St. Petersburg, he devoted himself to composition and studied orchestration with Rimsky-Korsakov. In 1910 he became internationally known with The Firebird, and in 1913 introduced The Rite of Spring, whose premiere in Paris caused one of the biggest scandals in the history of music. Author of pieces of very different stamp, including its production include, in addition to the works mentioned, The Nightingale (1914), The Soldier's Tale (1918), Mavra (1922), Oedipus Rex (1927), Symphony of Psalms ( 1930), violin Concerto (1931), Symphony in three movements (1945), the rake's Progress (1951) and requiem Canticles (1966). In this editorial they have appeared his musical Poetics (2006) and Memories and Reviews (2013).