PhD in Philosophy by the UNAM. He completed postgraduate studies at the University of Barcelona. His research work focuses on problems of Aesthetics and Philosophy of culture, contemporary French thought and Philosophy of cinema and music. She is a professor of Aesthetics and Ontology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, as well as Philosophy of Art at the School of Music of UNAM.
He teaches film philosophy seminars, in the Film Library and in 17 critical studies. He has collaborated in the magazines Icónica, La Tempestad and Shangrila. Author of the book: Essays Imaginarios. Aesthetic approaches to the cinema of David Lynch, David Cronenberg and Béla Tarr and Nicolás Pereda. (Editorial Ítaca, 2015), with a prologue by Jorge Ayala Blanco. Since 2009 he is a member of the university seminary of "Modernity: Versions and Dimensions", founded by Bolivar Echeverría and Jorge Juanes.