"Gabriel Andrade makes a copy and clarifies the work when it comes to defining confused ideas before concepts such as ethnicity and race, with the consequent errors generated by the current use and abuse of the word racism" (Juan Luis Puente, Leer, 263). Of course, among people there are differences in the color of their skin, in the shape of their hair or their nose and in so many other minor details, but these facts can not lead us to accept that "human races" exist, and that they are 5, 10 or 25. If the race were only a division from the color of the skin, we would be much more willing to accept the existence of the "human races." But the concept of "human race" comes not only from the color of the skin but from a whole package of characteristics from which it is supposedly possible to clearly segment humanity. But this has no scientific basis. In addition, the concept of "human ra...read more