Constitucionalismo más allá del estado

Constitucionalismo más allá del estado - Luigi Ferrajoli - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 175 g

Today we are witnessing a constitutional process of law and political systems. At the international level, for the rehabilitation of war as a means of resolving conflicts and for the development of deregulated and savage economic powers. In the European Union, for the anti-social policies imposed by these and for the loss of credibility of the integration process. And in the case of national democracies, due to the crisis of representation and the expulsion of constitutional principles from the field of politics. Faced with the dominant idea in the debate that there is no alternative to such processes, the author proposes a rational and practicable response, consisting of the expansion of the constitutional paradigm to all powers, public and private; in guarantee of all rights, freedom and social rights; and at all levels, the state and also the suprastate. And he understands that it more


Book: Constitucionalismo más allá del estado

ISBN: 9788498797633
Precio de lista: $595.00
Descuento: 25%