He graduated in Pisa in 1973 with a thesis on the thought of Walter Benjamin. At the Scuola Normale Superiore he became a researcher, and remained so until 2014, the year in which he resigned in advance. In 1979-1980 he collaborated on a seminar by Jacques Derrida at the Ecole Normale in Paris. He obtained the Doctorat de Troisième Cycle en Philosophie with the tutelage of Louis Marin in 1984, took the EHESS in Paris and the DEA in Réalisation cinématographique following the courses directed by the documentary maker Jean Rouch in Nanterre. He taught Aesthetics and Aesthetics of cinema, with provisional annual assignments, in various Italian universities. He held, by invitation, a seminar at EHESS in Paris, in collaboration with Prof. Eric Michaud. He is currently editor of Altraparola magazine and collaborates with the Center for State Reform in the Florence office.