Discografía básica del tango 1905-2010

Su historia a través de las grabaciones

Discografía básica del tango 1905-2010 - Omar García Brunelli - Gourmet musical
Publisher name: 
Gourmet musical
Year of publication: 

Tango, born in the Río de la Plata in the late nineteenth century, has become - since the beginning of the twentieth - one of the most widespread popular musical genres in the world. Today, with more than a hundred years of existence, he continues to attract new litters of followers, fascinated by his dance and music, which are accessed mainly through phonographic records. This work aims to serve as a guide for those who are curious about tango and need to find their way around the wide seas of their discography: who are its main exponents, what music did they record, what is currently available and where to start listening are some of the answers provided by this work. It is a different approach to the history of tango, which will not only be of interest to those who have just ventured into this universe, but will also be a very useful tool for those who have already started


Book: Discografía básica del tango 1905-2010

ISBN: 9789872561420