La tiranía del clic

La tiranía del clic - Bernardo Marín García - Turner
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Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Journalism in the age of clickbaiting
In the field of digital journalism, an action as futile as a click has acquired extraordinary power. The traffic a newspaper gets can keep it afloat or sink it completely. That's where clickbaiting is born. If we're already concerned about who controls the media, being at the service of the click is alarming. The move from traditional to digital press involves much more than a format change. He's transforming the information.

Bernardo Marín García analyzes from within how our clicks on the editorials affect and reveals the strategies of the means to survive in a digital environment. It seems easy to get us to bite—even though we recognize the tricks of clickbait—but the challenge is to make journalism free and quality that we deserve.


Book: La tiranía del clic

ISBN: 9788417141936
Precio de lista: $185.00
Descuento: 10%