Francisco Erice is a professor of Contemporary History at the University of Oviedo and a member of the History Section of the Marxist Research Foundation. In recent years, he has focused his research on the problems of collective memory, the history of communism or historiography. The result of this are books such as Wars of Memory and Ghosts of the Past. Uses and abuses of collective memory (2009), or Clandestine militancy and repression. The Franco dictatorship against communist subversion, 1956-1963 (2017), as well as numerous articles in magazines and chapters in collective works.
In Siglo XXI de España he has published E. P. Thompson. Marxismo e historia social (2016, together with José Babiano and Julián Sanz, eds.) And a chapter in Historiography, Marxism and political commitment in Spain. From the Franco regime to the present (2018, José Gómez Alén, ed.).