Ocio y entretenimiento en el contexto digital

Aproximaciones desde la academia

Ocio y entretenimiento en el contexto digital - Roberto Alejandro Lopez Novelo - Gedisa
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The Internet, mobile devices, production, management and consumption are the factors of the new forms of entertainment and leisure. In this work the reader will find various analyzes that reflect the relationship between human beings and electronic devices, from a critical stance based on different schools that address the media, communication and culture; or how the use and consumption of these digital media have impacted on family relationships. Likewise, in this work the various content and communication resources that have emerged from these new forms of interaction are exposed in a clear and sustained manner, such as memes, new advertising practices, anime and video games.


Book: Ocio y entretenimiento en el contexto digital

ISBN: 9788418525629
Precio de lista: $320.00
Descuento: 20%