Until 1860, a history of the family could hardly be imagined. The historical sciences were still under the domain of the five books of Moses. The patriarchal form embodied in these books was unreservedly admitted as the oldest and was identified with the bourgeois family of that time; in this way it would seem that the family had not had a historical development: at most it was admitted that in primitive times there was sexual promiscuity.
The study of the family begins in 1861, with Bachofen's Maternal Law, later they will come: Tylor, McLennan, Lubbock, Until the American sociologist Morgan appears on the scene with new and decisive theories in his Systems of consanguinity and affinity (1871) and another fundamental work Ancient Society (1877) and it is precisely to him that we owe the revolution of ideas, although at the time his ideas were sabotaged as novel, Morgan was the...read more