Psicología del arte

Psicología del arte - Lev Semenovich Vigotsky - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 

This work summarizes the works of seven years, plasmando the fundamental ideas of classic works: as fabulas, novels, the tragedies of Shakespeare, etc. Focusing the attention of him not about formalism, symbolism or futurism, but rather in something broader: What makes an artistic work becomes artwork? Considering that the central idea of the psychology of art is the recognition of the overcoming of matter by artistic form or, which is the same, the recognition of art as a technique of feeling. Here, the author approaches works of art as a psychologist, choosing an analytical objective method, with the intention of recreating through the analysis of the peculiarities of the structure of that reaction or internal activity that the work of art causes.


Book: Psicología del arte

ISBN: 9786077971702
Precio de lista: $520.00
Descuento: 15%