This Tadkirat al-Harawiyya Fi'L-Hiyal al-Harbiyya (the Al-Harawi Memorial on War Stratagems), written at the time of the Crusades and destined to consolidate the emerging State Ayubí de Saladino, is erected as a very unique Example between the Arab-Islamic princes mirrors. Representative of the remoteness of the genre conventions that took place in the 12th century, where the continued appeal before religion and divine origin to justify and legitimize the exercise of power -, its most distinctive and novel feature is the almost provocative unfolding with which it defends, from the title itself, the use of the tricks and the manipulation in the exercise of power.
The memorial thus illustrates the turn towards a relative but obvious, secularization of the exercise of the policy and the introduction of logic and rationality in the performance of the functions associated with it, wi...read more