El Jesús histórico

Otras aproximaciones. Reseña crítica de algunos libros significativos en lengua española

El Jesús histórico - Antonio Piñero - Trotta
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 310 g

Two types of books on Jesus of Nazareth circulate among Spanish language readers. One, the majority, written by authors of one or another Christian denomination. Another, minority, made up of studies of independent non-denominational authors, but who try not to be militant, in favor of an option that exposes the results of an approach to Jesus obtained with the same means used to study other biographies or similar books of famous people. of antiquity. Putting at the public's disposal a brief but fairly complete overview of what is being written in Spanish at the moment is therefore the purpose of these Other Approaches.
This overview is accordingly divided into two sections. The first contains positive and negative assessments regarding the works on Jesus by confessional authors, that is, dependent on the faith of a particular church. The second offers, through historical analys...read more

Category: All >> Religion >> Christianity

Book: El Jesús histórico

ISBN: 9788498799866
Precio de lista: $895.00
Descuento: 25%