La reliquia

La reliquia - Eça de Queirós - Akal
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A scathing criticism of the hypocrisy of the Portuguese bourgeoisie

The relic (1887) is the story of the trip made to Egypt and Holy Land by theodoric Raposo, who marches on a pilgrimage to the search for a relic as favor towards his rich and blessed sponsorship das Neves. The protagonist hides under his alleged religious devotion a dissolutive and cynical life, with the only desire to inherit his benefactor's fortune. As Queirós describes the adventures and the character of Theodoric, he destroys with scathing criticism and does not mock the hypocrisy of the Portuguese society of his time. Criticisms towards conservatism, clericalism and intolerance made relic a challenging and disturbing work in its time, although it has gone down in the history of literature as one of the most brilliant satires of all time.

"[...] There is no novelist who has laughed as freely as Eça more


Book: La reliquia

ISBN: 9788446043935
Precio de lista: $560.00
Descuento: 15%