Mito, fe y hermenéutica

Mito, fe y hermenéutica - Raimon  Panikkar - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 765 g

Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics is considered the great work of Raimon Panikkar, an international authority on spirituality, history of religions and intercultural dialogue. In it, Panikkar addresses the major problem of how we interpret reality once it has become clear that the reason he claimed to be capable of revealing it is also a myth. What opens us to the reality, asks the author, she is also a myth, how should we interpret this faith or this myth?

In this book the reader will find, in addition to the scholarly discussion and depth of philosophical debate, the wisdom of a true spiritual master.

For people interested in the great spiritual traditions of humanity and interreligious dialogue for philosophers, humanists and religious students of these disciplines.

Category: All >> Theology

Book: Mito, fe y hermenéutica

ISBN: 8425424816
Precio de lista: $1,290.00
Descuento: 30%