Pensamiento crítico y Revolución

Antología necesaria

Pensamiento crítico y Revolución - Fernando Martínez Heredia - Bonilla
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Contrary to the crude notion that identifies utopias as a regulating ideal, the Cuban woman carves out her own paths knowing that the realization of paradise on earth –which turns out to be the same as the end of all dominations– will not be a donation from anyone, but a collective effort that demands that those who daily struggle to achieve it learn from their mistakes and correct them, violate the results of their practices and find, in the midst of the rottenness of capitalism, the forces capable of defeating what appears invincible. Fernando tried to systematize this learning and made design reflections. This anthology is published five years after his death, thanks to the support of his partner Esther Pérez and a coordination of publishers who want to pay tribute to him by sharing his texts in order to allow readers to get closer to the thought of this Cuban communist more


Book: Pensamiento crítico y Revolución

ISBN: 9789878484174