Tanya Huntington. She was born on September 4, 1969 in Pierre, South Dakota, United States. She is a poet, essayist and painter. She earned a Ph.D. in Latin American Literature from the University of Maryland, College Park. Editor of the digital magazine Literal: Latin American Voices. He has collaborated on Tierra Adentro, Langosta Literaria and on www.literalmagazine.com. He received a grant from the FONCA Program for the Promotion of Cultural Projects and Coinversiones for poetry and painting in 2010. A FONCA grant for the radio project Cabezas in 2009 (winner of the Eighth International Radio Biennial of Mexico, 2010). Member of the SNCA (2018-2021). First place in 2006, in the radio magazine category for the radio program Lo Sonado, together with Arturo Delgado and Tania Negrete, at the Sixth International Radio Biennial of Mexico. Her work appears in the anthologies and compilations Those who stay (Juan Carlos Rulfo, Fundación Bancomer, 2010); Paris-Mexico: capitals of exile (Philippe Ollé-LaPrune, Conaculta/Casa Refugio Citlaltépetl, 2014); The thin line that divides the right side from the left (Alejandro Magallanes, MYL Arte Contemporáneo Gallery, 2015).