Iconografía Clásica

Iconografía Clásica - Juan Carmona Muela - Akal
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

This guide basically consists of tables or tables that offer the information corresponding to each of the characters treated. The tables dedicated to the different gods and divinities have 4 sections (episodes, attributes, functions and representations), while in those dedicated to heroes there are only 3, since the one referring to the functions disappears. The work is completed with four appendices dedicated to the study of specific aspects of classical iconography: the first, to elements and symbols of funerary iconography; the second, to the process of assimilation and appropriation of mythology by Christianity; the third takes a tour of the different valuation and iconographic significance that the figure of Venus and the female nude has had from the Middle Ages to the Baroque; and the fourth and last, to the use of the classical legacy by the authoritarian and absolute monarchie...read more


Book: Iconografía Clásica

ISBN: 9788446029397
Precio de lista: $300.00
Descuento: 15%