
Granada - Roberto Arlt - Casimiro
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Soft cover

A ray of seven thousand colors has fallen on Granada. Dazzled road." A ray of seven thousand colors has fallen on Granada. Dazzled road. No writer on earth will ever be able to give the panoramic vision of this burning morning in the ten hours of wonder. The white fire of the sun filters through the I arrive at the square of the Cathedral, with a triple stone portico, framed by the walls of four-story houses. The balconies covered with tapestries, brocades, silks, shawls, rugs, satins, orange gauze. Thousands of women shake their fans, whose silhouette lengthens and shrinks in the hangings.Zigzagging in the blue, a multitude of doves.Here are the descriptions that, during his trip through Spain between April 1935 and July 1936, Roberto Arlt made of Granada and that he published in his column Etchings of the Buenos Aires newspaper El Mundo.


Book: Granada

ISBN: 9788417930424
Precio de lista: $235.00
Descuento: 25%