Teatro Completo

Teatro Completo - César Vallejo - Akal
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In César Vallejo (Santiago de Chuco 1892, Paris 1938) the dissonances and asymmetries that occur in all his work, and even more so in his theater, allow us to contextualize the cultural, social and economic supports of two continents, America and Europe, in a very specific period (1923-1938) that will mark his entire conception of theater beyond the avant-garde and a certain intellectualized naturalism. His trips to the new Republic of the Soviets, his commitment to the social reality of his time, his closeness to the representations of the most committed Russian theater, are building that new aesthetic which we call, with all its ideological load, as "aesthetic from work".

With the present edition of the Complete Theater, which allows, for the first time, the consultation of the facsimile and fingerprint edition, we take an extensive tour that begins with Los Topos and ends wi...read more


Book: Teatro Completo

ISBN: 9788446051381
Precio de lista: $850.00
Descuento: 15%