Mario Edmundo Chávez Tortolero completed his bachelor's degree in Philosophy, obtaining the degree in 2008, and the master's and doctorate degrees also in Philosophy, in 2010 and 2014, respectively, all with honorable mention, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam ). In 2016 he completed a postdoctoral stay at the Institute of Philological Research of the UNAM. His teaching work began in 2007, which he has carried out uninterruptedly for 15 years; first, as a teaching assistant and, later, as a subject teacher. Since 2016 he has had the appointment of full-time associate professor “C”, which he obtained within the framework of the Subprogram for the Incorporation of Young Career Academics, belonging to the General Directorate of Academic Personnel Affairs (dgapa) of the unam .
He is currently attached to the College of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (FFYL) of the UNAM in the area of Propedeutics and Method. In 2018 he entered the National System of Researchers of the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), and since 2021 he has the “C” level within the Performance Bonus Program for Full-Time Academic Staff of the dgapa.